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Felicia dog food for small and medium breeds

Felicia dog food for small and medium breeds

15 JOD /3 kg

Order to receive 150 points

Felicia Adult Dog Small Medium is formulated with the optimum balance of protein, fats and carbonhydrates to provide sustained energy and good body conformation throughout life. It is idea for dogs with sensitive digestion or those that simple prefer the delicious flavour of lamb.

High Digestibility
By using highly digestible ingredients and gentle cooking processes Felicia® Adult Dog L&R ensures maximum digestibility and firm stools. Lamb is also considered to be gentle on digestion, and so is ideal for dogs with dietary sensitives.

Immune System Supports
Felicia® Adult Dog L&R contains natural prebiotic fibres to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria and reduce pathogenic strains, thereby supporting immunity and optimising digestion.


